Create a Memorial Page

Create a page

Honor the life of a loved one.

Create an online memorial page for friends and family to give charitable donations to support people managing the impact of cancer. Every dollar gifted in your loved ones memory will help provide a haven of support to cancer patients, their loved ones, and care partners—all at no cost. A memorial gift is a gift from the heart, and an investment in your loved one’s lasting legacy.

How it works


Register to create your memorial page.


Personalize your page with a photo and message.


Share your memorial page link with loved ones.


Create Your Page

Your support makes it possible.

"I was only 41 years old, with a wife and two young daughters,
when I was diagnosed with colon cancer. Fear and sadness dominated my daily thoughts. A friend suggested I learn about the Dempsey Center and I was hooked from day one. I have attended weekly support groups, done one-on-one counseling, and received oncology massage, all at no cost to me. I have found an incredibly supportive community of people who 'get it.' I can’t imagine what my cancer experience would be

like without Dempsey Center services."

Trevor, Cape Elizabeth



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